2023-24 Recognition of Robert A Lees by Colorado courts

Douglas County District Court:

“Mr. Lees, I appreciate what a phenomenal motion you filed. I’m going to add that to my personal database moving forward.”

and again,

“I appreciate Mr. Lees’ phenomenal motion. Great job!  I couldn’t have written a better one myself. I’ve added your motion to my repertoire. I’ll use it in the future, I’m sure. It was very well cited and very on point.”

Larimer County District Court:

“I looked up all the statutes in your motion to Quash. They were a correct reflection of the statutes.”

Denver District Court:

“Mr. Lees. I appreciate you educating the Court on this.”


Jefferson County District Court:

“I’m surprised Mr. Lees could move so fast on behalf of his client.”

Denver District Court:

“[W]ith regards to Mr. Lees and his client…, I am also very concerned about retaliation against our mental health professionals. The Court is very aware that there are very few mental health professionals that are willing to do this extremely important work for children and I appreciate [it].”

“And so the Court is going to act out of a very protective capacity with regards to Ms. G. I am going to grant Mr. Lees’ motion to quash and, in fact, just to avoid putting us in a gray area, I’m going to say that Ms. G. should only testify to verify attendance at the therapy, …  I’m going to limit her testimony a lot, only with regards to what she feels that the needs for future therapy are.”

“Correct, and I understand your frustration, counselor, but I am being very protective of Ms. G here. And that is my decision. And I understand I’m being even more protective than what counsel [Lees] is requesting, but this is an  issue that I am worried about. And, as you know, we have very few reintegration therapists, I don’t want to do anything to put Ms. G. or her credentials in danger. So that is my order.”

“Mr. Lees, I’ll just ask — and I appreciate your guidance on this, but I do want whatever questions are asked to be as protective of the therapist as possible. So anything you feel is inappropriate, I’ll let you object. Okay?” (p. 32, line 25- p. 33, line 4)

(Attorney for the Respondent)“And then if there’s a problem, Mr. Lees will let us know, because I’m not as familiar with that area of the law, with the DORA and the HIPAA.”

(Court) “And Mr. Lees,…I do also acknowledge you have specialized expertise in this area. So if you can give an explanation to your objection, that would be helpful as well, just to educate –the Court and the parties.”