Counselors and Therapists Representation

Colorado Attorneys Supporting Mental Health Professionals

As a counselor or therapist, you instill comfort and compassion to help your patients/clients develop effective solutions to their problems. Our team at Robert A. Lees & Associates have a similar mission — we want to give you peace of mind by taking care of issues affecting your career, finances, family and personal life. Established in 1983, Robert A. Lees & Associates focuses on the unique needs of mental health professionals. We can assist you with business development, professional licensing and regulatory matters, including:



Building a successful business

Mental health professionals must follow strict regulations and policies in the formation, marketing, development and employment practices associated with their businesses. The Colorado courts and regulatory agencies do not consider lack of knowledge about the law an excuse for not following the rules. Our team gives you the support you need to build a successful business that is compliant with government regulations and consistent with your professional goals.

How our knowledgeable team can help you with DORA grievances

Our team advises you on ways to become and remain in compliance with complex government regulations and licensing requirements. However, even if you do everything right, a complaint can still be filed against you. We seek dismissal of unmerited claims and pursue the minimum penalties when the board determines that a violation has occurred. By taking decisive action, we put you in the best possible position.

Previous service on the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors

Governor Bill Owens appointed attorney Robert A. Lees to the Board of Licensed Professional Counselors in Colorado. Immediately prior to the completion of Bob’s tenure in December 2006, the former governor wrote him an official letter expressing his appreciation for the services Bob had provided to the board, saying in part:

“Your talents and skills have made a valuable contribution to this important board. Please be assured that your record of excellence will endure as a tribute to the time you have invested in serving the State of Colorado.”

While serving on the board, Bob reviewed and analyzed hundreds of grievances that made a variety of different assertions. Bob applies his insight into the process to guide you through a difficult experience.

Consult our experienced lawyers and staff for advice on issues that affect mental health professionals

Learn more about getting the support you need from our lawyers and staff on regulatory, business, asset-management and litigation issues involving counselors and therapists. Call Robert A. Lees & Associates at 303–292–1020 or contact us online to see how we can be of assistance to you.